Stack 'em up
I know it's silly to start thinking about Christmas when summer's not even over yet, but so is the life of a craftsperson. Usually August is the time when we all start stockpiling inventory; squirreling away pieces here and there earlier on, and then making a focused concerted effort in later months.
I'll be showing at the One of A Kind Christmas Show in Toronto again this year from November 24th to December 4th. Instead of the 6 day show, I'll be there the ENTIRE 11 days. 11 days of 12 hour days may not be everyone's cup of tea (not counting show prep or setup/takedown), but those are the times where I thrive. Since I live on a farm, I am so happy to finally come out of my cavern and meet everyone who comes by my booth. I get to say hi to people who read my blog, visit my website, or "like" something on social media, and it helps me put a face to an avatar.
Ah. Anyway. Sorry about that reminder that Christmas is coming. I'm heading back to squirreling now ;).